Corporate Portfolio Management: CFO Executive Board session to discuss American Express Investment Optimization

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

CFO Executive Board session to discuss American Express Investment Optimization

Today, I hosted and convened the first of three tele-conferences to talk about resource allocation and our Investment Optimization efforts at American Express in conjunction with The CFO Executive Board (CEB).

The presentation entitled "American Express' Optimal Resource Allocation Process" was very well-attended and spurred some useful discussion. There were several questions from participants about the organizational change required to enable CPM. The realization that CPM is about impacting organizational behavior is a fairly astute observation as many often worry solely about the process elements or worst yet, many think that CPM is an effort which just requires a software tool in order to be enabled.

For those interested in seeing the presentation, please email me, and I'd be happy to send it to you. Also, let me say thanks to Roisin Ryan and Eisha Tierney Armstrong of CEB for their outstanding efforts and support in putting this presentation together.

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